The appearance of the worms, and the characteristics of the common types of

Helminthiasis causes discomfort to patients. The worms that live in the human body, cause serious illness and even death. Do not underestimate the negative impact of helminthiasis. If you are experiencing the first signs of infection with worms, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. However, the symptoms that occur when helminthiasis, may represent other diseases. In the surest signs of infection – worms in the stool. You can see for yourself, worms?


Characteristics of pinworms

Helminthiasis is more common in adults and children. To confirm the disease you need to take the stool analysis. But to see the parasites, which may be your own. This is a symptom that implies that the person or pet who is infected.

Pinworms – the worms that most commonly occur in children. They are easily tolerated and is in line with the preventive measures, which enter into the body. Symptoms of the disease is seen in 3-10 days. Pinworms are parasites in the intestine. Worms have a short life cycle and die after a few months. However, this does not mean that after 60 days the person will be healthier. Daily patient infects himself. The dead individuals are replaced by young worms, which get into the body previously.

For the detection of pinworms in the stool simply. In appearance resembling small worms cut the thread. Usually their length does not exceed 1.5 cm, to See them in the mud simply because of the bright colors.

Parasites have a negative impact on the body. These worms in the stool of the child is a great reason to consult a doctor.

Pinworms can cause appendicitis. Due to its stay in the human body, inflammation of the bowel and genitals. Pinworms, moving through the body, so toxic substances in the region of the sphincter. It causes unbearable itching. Worms can produce more than 8 thousand eggs.

In the presence of pinworms, the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • gag reflex;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • significant reduction of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • stool contains mucus;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • urinary incontinence at night.

A longer course of illness, with complications observed in patients who have a habit of biting the nail plate. Cases of involuntary scratching at night, the skin in the anal area, making it under the nail plate of the eggs of parasites. In the future, falling in the mouth.

When infected with worms, to see the eggs of pinworms in the stool is not possible, because women don't lay eggs in the digestive tract.


We do not know how is look like the worms in people. However, if you want to learn, this information is very important. Worms in stool – it is the most important symptom that confirms the presence of worms.

Roundworms are often parasitic in the body of children and adults.

Under favorable conditions the eggs is formed by the larva. When in the human body, the parasite moves into the digestive tract where it is released from the egg and migrates to the circulatory system. From there, roundworm spread throughout the body and penetrate in many vital organs. In the intestine the larvae hatch full of roundworm. Finally attach the small intestine not earlier than six months.

In people with Ascaris you notice the following symptoms:

  • causeless allergic reactions;
  • stomach cramps;
  • gag reflex;
  • lack of energy;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite.

Ascarids begin to lay eggs three months later. Waste products that produce the parasites in the body, are toxic to the patient. May cause severe allergic reactions. If left untreated parasites embroiled in a ball and clog the gut, causing its obstruction. In this case, for full recovery, you will need to use a surgical procedure. Drug if you have intestinal obstruction, will not work.

For children, the biggest hazards are the roundworms that enter the oral cavity and can move in the trachea or nasal passages. The life cycle is 1 year.

Roundworms most commonly affect children. Adults who suffer from this type of helminths much less frequently. Because children often forget to wash their hands before eating and to eat unwashed fruit and vegetables.

The appearance of whipworm

The life cycle of the parasite is about 6 years old. This type of worms has the following characteristics:

  • length ranges from 3 to 5 cm;
  • the body is elongated and resembles a segment of a filament;
  • the head of the parasite is much thinner than the body itself, to recognize them in the stool you can easily.

Vlasoglavy damage the intestinal wall and causes its inflammation. Eats the parasite blood. In the presence in the body of Trichocephalus trichiurus (whipworm), the patient complained of the following symptoms:

  • long-lasting spasms on the right side of the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite, and perhaps also his causeless increase;
  • gag reflex;
  • change of chair;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • anemia.

The final diagnosis can be placed by the doctor only if it finds whipworm eggs in the feces through the microscope. For the treatment, experts usually prescribe medications. It is important to take into account preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection.

Description Of Trichinella

Some know how to the larvae of worms. They rarely will be on the stool and they can see only the doctor, who in the performance of specific analyses. Trichinella are parasites that are particularly dangerous for human health. These differ in the following characteristics:

  • small size;
  • rounded shape;
  • white in color.

For self-identified in the feces of Trichinella is very difficult.

Infection can occur by eating poorly cooked meat of pigs, bears, wild boars, etc in Parasites, which have a negative impact on the muscles. These worms live in the human body for more than 20 years. Trichinella often cause complications.

The patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • causeless temperature increase;
  • physical pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling;
  • the allergic reactions.

Patients with trichinellosis, are complications that may occur inflammation of the lungs, the liver and the kidney. Full recovery very difficult to achieve. For this you would need to make it through a long treatment. It is also necessary to comply with the preventive measures. During the therapy the patient must go to the infectious Section of the hospital.

As the prevention of trichinellosis experts recommend that do not eat, do not end up cooked meat. It is advisable to buy only those products that have passed health validation and have a certifying stamp.

Beef tapeworm

Anyone heard about the existence of such a parasite, as the beef tapeworm. Unlike any of the previously listed, this helminth refers to a group of tapeworms. Beef tapeworm can get into the body after ingestion of the beef, which was cooked poorly. A few months later the larva becomes a full-fledged adult. Beef tapeworm is considered to be the largest parasite that lives in the human body. Its length reaches 8-10 meters. The patient can be detected in the stool only segments from the end of the parasite.

The patient complains:

  • nausea;
  • fainting;
  • stomach cramps;
  • apathy;
  • closure.

The treatment prescribed by the specialist. When properly selected treatment, the patient recover quickly and without complications. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

Beef tapeworm

How to recognize the Echinococcus

This strip is a parasite that negatively affects many vital organs. Pay attention to the fact that the person who is the intermediate carrier of parasites. The definitive hosts are usually dogs or other animals.

The Echinococcus is a small size. Therefore, to detect the eggs of this parasite in the stool itself, is difficult. Its diameter ranges up to 2 cm Settles it is most often in the liver and gradually starts to grow. People who are in the body echinococcal complain:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dry cough;
  • problems with the breathing.

The disease can only be detected on ultrasound. Yourself to see the Echinococcus in the stool, it is impossible. For prophylactics it is advisable to follow personal hygiene and health of the animals.

What are the parasites that everyone should know. Cases often do not pay attention to the presence in the stool worms, because I don't know how they look. Some types of parasites can not be detected independently, but they occur not so often. Mud can easily identify pinworms, ascarids and Trichocephalus trichiurus. When detected in the feces from the worms you need to necessarily visit a doctor.